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  • I'm having a Client Application that uses an offline database - that database needs to sync with the server database at the end of each day to upload updates
  • The client application is built using Mono for android
  • I'm currently using microsoft sync framework, sqlserver, and sqlite, but I'm considering moving to sql anywhere

I need simple steps on how to use sql anywhere, ultralitej, mobilink to achieve that scenario

asked 18 Mar '13, 12:15

waleedramadan's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Mar '13, 14:10

Try the "Building an Android Application" Tutorial in the documentation:

If you can't move the consolidated database data over to SQL Anywhere right away, you should be aware that MobiLink can also synchronize directly with Microsoft SQL Server:

The concept is similar: you have to install the system tables and write SQL scripts to control the synchronization data flow.

Once you have the basics covered and you understand how the synchronization system works, you can also extend this tutorial to use Java or .NET scripts instead:

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answered 19 Mar '13, 08:12

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

For the UltraliteJ with Mono part see my answer here. We've been doing this for over a year now with very large applications and have had no problems. Now with the binding project you can also link to the native code easier.

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answered 19 Mar '13, 08:39

J%20Chapman's gravatar image

J Chapman
accept rate: 66%

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question asked: 18 Mar '13, 12:15

question was seen: 11,112 times

last updated: 20 Mar '13, 13:13