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Not really a question, but documentation of a database conversion problem I have encountered before (so if no one else ever has this problem, at least I will be able to find my own answer next time the problem occurs).

Trying to do a dbunload in-place (-an option), I receive the message Syntax error near '(end of line)' on line 1 When this happens, I always fear the worst: must be corruption in the database, even though my daily dbvalid runs show no errors.

To discover the real cause of the problem, I had to do a straight unload, create a new .db file, and the run the reload script in ISQL. Now I receive the real error.

In this case, it was CREATE INDEX "" ON "app_owner"."idond_donation_detail" ( "idona_id" ) and I am able to see that there was an index that never had an object name. Apparently acceptable to SQLA 8, but not to 11 or 12.

It would be great if dbunload in-place would provide better information as the the problem. But I guess in the end, it takes a manual process to sleuth out the incompatible problem.

asked 19 Jan '12, 22:51

Bill%20Aumen's gravatar image

Bill Aumen
accept rate: 16%

Thanks for this! It helped me out a lot.

permanent link

answered 02 Apr '14, 09:57

Mary%20K's gravatar image

Mary K
accept rate: 0%

Glad to hear Mary! I knew I would need it again, and I am really glad it helped someone else.

(02 Apr '14, 11:32) Bill Aumen
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question asked: 19 Jan '12, 22:51

question was seen: 6,863 times

last updated: 02 Apr '14, 11:32