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Hi, I'm new to sybase, and I encounter strange error. When try to unload database using dbunload.exe -xx from my code it cut data when column has some KB of data. What can be wrong or has anyone had such error ?

asked 08 Feb '13, 02:25

Kurkey's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Please post the SQLA Version you are using

(08 Feb '13, 07:03) Martin

How exactly are you running the command?

(08 Feb '13, 07:39) Walmir Taques

Well version is and I'm running the command from C# which look like this dbunload.exe -xx -q -y -c "{0}" -t {1} -r "{2}" .", conString, tables.ToString(), Path.Combine(dirPath, "reload.sql")); where conString is connection string, tables is array of table I'm unloading and the last one is path to reload.sql

(08 Feb '13, 09:03) Kurkey

Whats more. I have a in one column data which has someting from around 200KB to around 800KB its binary data for image. And sometimes dbunload cut it to size of 512KB and my program cannot read that

(08 Feb '13, 09:13) Kurkey

Please explain exactly what you mean by "it cut data"? How are you looking at the data? Perhaps an example table definition and sample output would help us understand what problem you are having.

(08 Feb '13, 09:14) Mark Culp

Are you are using a driver (eg ODBC) to connect to the database?

We saw a problem where for large results, the driver would truncate the data because it did not allocate enough memory to hold the complete result.

Is the data truncated when you run dbunload directly from the command line?

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answered 10 Feb '13, 23:21

Mark's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Yes I'm using ODBC driver to connect to database, I think it is Sybase jConnect JDBC. Probably I didn't it use directly from command line because I need application to do this. The biggest problem is that on my instance of application dbunload started to work correctly however on the other one it fails. And I did nothing here. Any idea ?

(11 Feb '13, 02:37) Kurkey
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I'd still recommend to use the exact command directly from the command line to see if that truncates data, too. (I have never ever run into this issue...).

IIRC, is the original 11.0.1 maintenance release and rather "old" nowadays, so you might as well try to use a current v11.0.1 EBF - cf. Breck's helpful EBF list here...

(11 Feb '13, 07:19) Volker Barth

I did unloaded database from command line then I reloaded it using dbisql from command line and data wasn't trucated at all. But I think on the other machine it would fail, but I will check this out soon. To point that out I changed nothing so far. I'll keep you informed if this is fixed.

(12 Feb '13, 08:01) Kurkey
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question asked: 08 Feb '13, 02:25

question was seen: 2,346 times

last updated: 12 Feb '13, 08:49