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Feeling a bit lost on this one, I am simply trying to set the RequestLogMaxSize option under SA 12 using sa_server_option:

call sa_server_option('RequestLogMaxSize','20k')

No matter how I format it or change it, I get "Invalid setting for option 'RequestLogMaxSize'" (unless I specify zero). I'm able to set it using -zs.

What am I missing? Am I not able to set it using the stored proc?

asked 17 Jan '12, 18:06

Dan%20Hacker's gravatar image

Dan Hacker
accept rate: 0%

It appears that the server option is specified in bytes, making the 'k' suffix of the size an invalid input:

sa_server_option system procedure

If you execute the procedure as:

CALL sa_server_option('RequestLogMaxSize',20480);

It will work correctly. The k/m/g suffixes are interpreted as necessary from the command line parser.

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answered 17 Jan '12, 18:16

Tyson%20Lewis's gravatar image

Tyson Lewis
accept rate: 22%

Oh my gosh, you are right. It has to be entered exactly as you specified. I was simply entering 20000 to test without the quotes and the 'k'.

(17 Jan '12, 18:20) Dan Hacker
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question asked: 17 Jan '12, 18:06

question was seen: 2,057 times

last updated: 17 Jan '12, 18:20