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What are the end of support dates for SQLA 10 and 11? What is the End of Life date?

I have found one for ASE at but i can't find a similar one for SQLA.



asked 29 Jul '10, 06:22

warren's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

When we DO announce an end of engineering, we always provide at least a 1 year notice. We just shipped version 12 for Windows, Linux and Mac. We typically support 2 active versions. Therefore, you might expect that version 10 end of engineering could be announced in the not too distant future, to actually take place a year later.

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answered 29 Jul '10, 14:29

Chris%20Kleisath's gravatar image

Chris Kleisath
accept rate: 37%

edited 29 Jul '10, 17:22

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

AFAIK, SQL Anywhere 10.0.1 and 11.0.1 are "active" versions and have no publicly known End of Life date.

In the past, iAnywhere has usually supported at least 2 active major versions. E.g. 8.0.x was EOLed January 2008 and 9.0.x January 2010.

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answered 29 Jul '10, 08:45

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%


One might extrapolate that V10 will go EOL in January 2012, and V11 in January 2014.

(29 Jul '10, 09:43) Breck Carter

Yeah, but the world is EOL in December 2012 anyway.

(29 Jul '10, 22:16) Calvin Allen

@Calvin - Ah, that's useful information - deals with a few issues I was concerned about!

(04 Aug '10, 10:48) Justin Willey
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question asked: 29 Jul '10, 06:22

question was seen: 5,857 times

last updated: 29 Jul '10, 17:22