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Is there a way to get the resultset schema from the preparedStatement on Android without executing the resultset? Is there a plan to include this functionality just like the iOS operation where I use this: ((ULPreparedStatement *)prepStmt)->GetResultSetSchema();?


Renato Pedrosa

asked 14 Oct '11, 15:13

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accept rate: 0%


With UltraLiteJ you can get ResultSet schema information by calling the method ResultSet.getResultSetMetadata(). You must execute the query to get a ResultSet object. It is not a big performance impact to execute a query in UltraLiteJ.

This is a difference between the UltraLiteJ and C UltraLite APIs. Even though UltraLiteJ for Android uses the C UltraLite runtime, the UltraLiteJ API is used.


Andy Quick

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answered 14 Oct '11, 16:11

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Andy Quick
accept rate: 45%


Getting the schema from an executed resultset I already do, but I really want to know if it will be available to get it from PreparedStatement.


Renato Pedrosa

(18 Oct '11, 15:12) Renato

There are currently no plans to alter the UltraLiteJ API for this case. However, plans can change if there is a good reason to change them :-)


Andy Quick

(26 Oct '11, 10:11) Andy Quick
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question asked: 14 Oct '11, 15:13

question was seen: 2,518 times

last updated: 26 Oct '11, 10:11