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When will build be available for Linux? We seem to have a problem that is fixed in the Windows build 3436, but for Linux no newer build than 3311 is available. The release notes for the Windows server bugfix:

================(Build #3315 - Engineering Case #661791)================

A query containing a join between two or more tables could have returned an incorrect result if the executed query plan used an Index-Only Scan of some index T_idx over table T. For the problem to have occurred, a column T.col must have participated in a non-equality join predicate (e.g. "T.col < S.col", or "T.col BETWEEN S.col1 AND S.col2"), and there must have existed one or more columns in index T_idx preceeding T.col that did not participate in equality predicates. This has been fixed.

asked 27 Sep '11, 10:02

J_Hendriks's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The latest Linux build available, as far as I can tell, is 3311. I've requested a current Linux EBF build for you. Ordinarily an EBF can take anywhere from hours to days, depending on resources and the outcome of tests before we post it. Once a 12.0.1 Linux EBF is available, I'll post a comment here.

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answered 27 Sep '11, 11:32

Glenn%20Paulley's gravatar image

Glenn Paulley
accept rate: 43%

Just to add: Breck's blog usually lists all current EBFs, once a new one is released.

The following link should always list the newest list - and it doesn't require a MySybase login...

(27 Sep '11, 11:41) Volker Barth

That's great, thanks for your answer. We will look out for any news about this EBF eagerly, as the last Linux EBF was released almost six months ago ...

(28 Sep '11, 04:01) J_Hendriks

The new EBF for Linux ( is now available and solves our problem. Good work!

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answered 28 Oct '11, 04:28

J_Hendriks's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 27 Sep '11, 10:02

question was seen: 2,642 times

last updated: 28 Oct '11, 04:28