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"The German software giant SAP said late Wednesday afternoon that it had agreed to buy Sybase, a database software maker, for about $5.25 billion in cash as it seeks to keep pace with its main rival, Oracle."

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asked 13 May '10, 02:19

Ron%20Hiner's gravatar image

Ron Hiner
accept rate: 9%

The new Daimler Chrysler? ( hope not :)

Looks like they want iAnywhere more than ASE...

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answered 13 May '10, 08:29

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%


But we don't expect them to move from Waterloo, ON to Walldorf, Germany - do we? - Volker from Germany...

(13 May '10, 09:01) Volker Barth

Does SAP have a database server? They appear to be in the 'solutions' business. I never can tell what that is supposed to mean. Anybody know what happens to their product license fees to acquired products? We used to use Crystal Reports until it was sold to someone (not SAP), then the price skyrocketed and we switched to something else. I see now Crystal is owned by SAP.

(13 May '10, 15:03) Ron Hiner

As far as I can tell (we don't use SAP products besides CrystalReports), they have not been very focussed on aquisitions - in constrast to Oracle. SAP has an own RDBMS system (MaxDB, cf. but that is surely not their cash cow - they are wellknown for their ERP software.

(13 May '10, 19:09) Volker Barth

Well, the product formerly known as Watcom SQL hasn't been renamed lately. I'm sure they will solve that problem right away.

(14 May '10, 11:38) Ron Hiner

How about just "The product formerly known as Watcom SQL?" It has a nice ring to it. Kind of like what Prince did for a while.

(14 May '10, 19:43) Phil Mitchell

As much as i hate web slide shows, this one has a few things I hadn't thought of... like the aquisition will give Sybase access to the SAP customer base. Growth of "The product formerly known as Watcom SQL" can only be good, right?

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answered 20 May '10, 19:16

Ron%20Hiner's gravatar image

Ron Hiner
accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 13 May '10, 02:19

question was seen: 1,915 times

last updated: 20 May '10, 19:16