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I'm attempting to connect to a 3rd-party database. They're using SQLA9. At one time, I was able to connect with the SQLA10 drivers without a problem. Unfortunately, I cannot find the distributables for SQLA10 and had to use the SQLA11 drivers when the customer's machine got reimaged. All connection properties are the same and nothing has changed on the 3rd-party database/server side. Yet when I connect, I get an error:

SQLCode:    -1
DB Code:    -868
Error:  SQLSTATE = S1000
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]'UTF-8' is an unknown character set label

asked 12 May '10, 18:10

Jason%20%27Bug%27%20Fenter's gravatar image

Jason 'Bug' ...
accept rate: 50%

edited 12 May '10, 18:33

I don't specify the character set in my connection. I'm at attempting to explicitly set one using the CS connection property, but I'm flying blind.

(12 May '10, 18:34) Jason 'Bug' ...

My crisis is over. I found my copy of the SQLA10 drivers and the user is up and running. This stated issue, though, is NOT solved.

(12 May '10, 19:00) Jason 'Bug' ...

Even though you've resolved the problem, this might help:

UTF8 collation was deprecated in SQL Anywhere 10.0.0. This new collation is UTF8BIN. Not sure if specifying CS=UTF8BIN will work, but it's worth a try.

permanent link

answered 13 May '10, 21:05

Josh%20Savill's gravatar image

Josh Savill
accept rate: 27%

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question asked: 12 May '10, 18:10

question was seen: 3,151 times

last updated: 23 Jul '10, 00:23