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I'm a bit confused. Is this site dedicated to the new SQL Anywhere Beta release, or all SQL Anywhere versions???

asked 13 Nov '09, 23:15

Jeff%20Gibson's gravatar image

Jeff Gibson
accept rate: 20%

edited 18 Mar '11, 13:03

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp

This site is dedicated to all GA (generally available) versions up to 11.0.1, plus earlier out-of-support versions back to 5.5.

This site is public, you don't even need to register to use it. That means (AFAIK) people in the Version 12 [ahem] Innsbruck beta program should not reveal any details that are only available through the beta program itself.

I say "AFAIK" because the beta isn't available yet, so neither is the license agreement. I hope an actual iAnywhere/Sybase employee will confirm/deny/clarify this.

This site is dedicated to SQL Anywhere and anything else that has any relationship whatsoever with SQL Anywhere, where "SQL Anywhere" means "everything that comes in the box" and that is quite a lot; see the first question in the faq.

When Innsbruck goes GA, let the tongues begin to wag!

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answered 14 Nov '09, 08:58

Breck%20Carter's gravatar image

Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

As this is a public forum, discussion about GA versions of SQL Anywhere are encouraged. Discussion about information provided to certain individuals that is covered by a Non-Disclosure Agreement(NDA) would certainly NOT be good.

As Breck mentions, the Innsbruck Beta license terms have not been released, but if history is any guide, then we could expect there will be non-disclosure terms included in it, as there were for previous SQL Anywhere beta programs.

As I mentioned on my blog, we are targeting to have beta software available by the end of the year (2009).

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answered 16 Nov '09, 19:30

Chris%20Kleisath's gravatar image

Chris Kleisath
accept rate: 37%

OK, I then stand corrected (see my answer) - I just forget about the NDAs...

(16 Nov '09, 20:48) Volker Barth

Thanks for the heads up Chris. I'm looking forward to working with the beta!

(17 Nov '09, 06:13) Jeff Gibson

"Beta" is an attribute of this website (and the StackExchange software).

It is focussed on all SQL Anywhere versions of interest.

That said, I'm sure the coming Innsbruck beta will find its topics, too.

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answered 14 Nov '09, 00:08

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

That will be interesting to see if Sybase allows for Beta discussions on this board. Personally, being a big fan of StackOverflow, ServerFault, SuperUser and now StackExchange, I'm all for using this! :-)

(14 Nov '09, 05:02) Jeff Gibson
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question asked: 13 Nov '09, 23:15

question was seen: 2,484 times

last updated: 18 Mar '11, 13:03