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I noticed that on SQL Anywhere Developer Edition Download page that only 12.01 is listed as available as of 9 August 2011.

Does that mean that 11.01 is no longer available for a Developer?

Which is strange as 10.0.0 and 9.02 are still available to download as part of the SQL Anywhere Studio Developer Edition Archived Versions page which is linked fro the main Developer Download Page.

BTW: The Register page for the developer edition requires the user to enter in a State or Province, but only provides a list of USA states (presumably as I'm not familiar with what the Codes mean. E.g. AL). Which means that far as Sybase is concerned, I live in AL, Australia.

asked 09 Aug '11, 19:12

Nick%20Brooks's gravatar image

Nick Brooks
accept rate: 33%

Are any of the links given in the answers below still working?

(31 Aug '20, 05:52) saurabhnanda

Yes, the SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 Developer Edition is available at

Should you ever need to find previous versions, the best way is to go to the current version's download page (like the one you referenced in your post), and proceed to the Register and Download Page. On that page you should find a sentence like:

To download older versions of SQL Anywhere Developer Edition, please follow this link for SQL Anywhere 10, and this link for SQL Anywhere 11.

permanent link

answered 09 Aug '11, 21:47

Eric%20Farrar's gravatar image

Eric Farrar
accept rate: 30%

edited 09 Aug '11, 21:47

Hi Nick -

Yes you can, but the pages on seem to be broken. I'll notify the product management team to get this repaired.

permanent link

answered 09 Aug '11, 20:41

Glenn%20Paulley's gravatar image

Glenn Paulley
accept rate: 43%

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question asked: 09 Aug '11, 19:12

question was seen: 3,719 times

last updated: 31 Aug '20, 05:52