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Will update version for developers to SA12 (SQLA1201_Developer.exe)?

Currently online SAP is available for download only from the old assembly 07/24/2014.

asked 13 Jun '15, 11:32

Stalker's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Not exactly sure what you are asking. If it is "will the developer edition for SQL Anywhere 12 be updated", you should expect the answer to be "no". We've moved on to version 17 now.

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answered 21 Oct '15, 14:47

JBSchueler's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 21 Oct '15, 14:48

(Aside: Personally, I do not need to have an updated Developer Edition as I have according support contracts and therefore can access the normal EBFs/SPs to update Developer Editions, according to Jason's answer here.)

Jack, I had the impression SAP would offer the free Developer Edition in updated builds "now and then" to supply fixes and updates that way (somewhat as a "substitute" for the lack of publically available EBFs), and that this offer would apply to all currently "active versions". - If is the last v12 Developer Edition build available, it both seems quite old and quite "before v17 was released", in case there is a "We only support two current versions" rule...

Is there an "official" guideline when to re-release a Developer Edition? What about security fixes, say w.r.t. OpenSSL?

I'm aware that the Watcom Rule may not apply to a free offer - I'm just asking...:)

-- Just my 2 cents for free, apparently:)

(22 Oct '15, 04:21) Volker Barth
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Volker, There is no official guideline. I'd say its more of a 'squeeky wheel' guideline. That said, we don't typically keep the dev. editions for old versions around for long. I expect the v12 developer edition will soon disappear.

If someone is looking for updates to the dev. edition, moving to the latest developer edition release (ie. v17) should probably be the first step. If you are far enough down the road that you don't want to change versions, IMO it is probably time to purchase the product with support, in which case updates will come with that.


(22 Oct '15, 11:02) Jason Hinspe...

I see, thanks for the clarification.

(22 Oct '15, 11:16) Volker Barth
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question asked: 13 Jun '15, 11:32

question was seen: 2,763 times

last updated: 23 Oct '15, 03:38