Please be aware that the SAP SQL Anywhere Forum will be shut down on August 29th, 2024 when all it's content will be migrated to the SAP Community.

Early April, users of this forum have been notified per mail about the coming migration of this forum's content to the SAP Community, see here.

AFAIK, that information is all we have got so far.

As "in June" is quite near, I' like to know what we have to expect – except a worse UI and probably a lost community, as has been mentioned on that question...?

To name a few particular questions:

  • Is there a timeframe when the migration is going to happen?
  • Will questions, answers and comments be migrated with the according poster's user information?
    (A while ago, for many SAP Community posts their individual owners were changed to anonymous "Former Members", so valuable attribution was lost.
    IMHO, it does make a difference whether an answer was given by SQL Anywhere engineers or normal users, and that information should be preserved...)
  • What happens to nested comments? (AFAIK, SAP Community does not support those.)
  • Will user information/profiles be migrated, too?

asked 24 May, 06:52

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

I'm in charge of the migration of the forum to the SAP Community. A second email blast is going shortly to users in the SQL Anywhere Forum who do not have an SAP Universal ID, which will look very similar to the first email that everyone should have received. A third email blast is planned to all users of the SQL Anywhere Forum closer to the actual migration date with additional information, but that email has has not been discussed yet.

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answered 24 May, 09:17

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

Is there a timeframe when the migration is going to happen?

The actual migration date will depend on how testing goes. We've performed a first test migration to an empty SAP Community and discovered a number of problems. The initial plan was to have a second migration to a backup copy of the production SAP Community, and then a final migration in June. How the second test migration goes will have a huge effect on the actual migration date.

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answered 24 May, 09:17

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

Ah, I guess that is done with your proverbial "testing, testing, testing" mantra as learnt by all the replication tests! :)

(24 May, 09:56) Volker Barth
Replies hidden

The migration has been pushed back. While we still don't have an official date when we the migration occurs, mid to late August is the rough timeframe we are currently considering.

I've updated the banner message on every page to indicate the August timeframe, and will continue to update the banner message as we finalize migration plans.


(17 Jun, 11:40) Reg Domaratzki

Well, I'd be really fine if the banner keeps telling "migration won't start 2 months from now"... ;)

(17 Jun, 12:13) Volker Barth

Will user information/profiles be migrated, too?

The rules on in the SAP Community is that anybody who has not logged in for five years will have their personal data anonymized. Anybody user who has not logged into the SQL Anywhere Forum in the last five years will have their user data anonymized as well, and will end up with a user name similar to "former_SQLAmemberXXXX".

Anybody who does not have an SAP Universal ID associated with their email address used in the SQL Anywhere Forum will also end up with a "former_SQLAmemberXXXX" user in the SAP Community. However, the email address will still be secretly associated with this account, and if you later register for an SAP Universal ID with this email address, you will be able to "claim" this account.

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answered 24 May, 09:18

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

edited 24 May, 09:23

Well, I hope there's some internal communication going on that former SQL Anywhere team members who are still working at SAP but in different teams may get "their accounts ready for migration"?

(24 May, 09:51) Volker Barth

Will questions, answers and comments be migrated with the according poster's user information?

Yes, assuming we are able to match your SQL Anywhere Forum to an existing SAP Universal ID based on the email address you used in your profile in the SQL Anywhere Forum.

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answered 24 May, 09:18

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

edited 24 May, 12:31

What happens to nested comments?

Nested comments will have to be un-nested, and will be sorted by the date they were posted. If you were to choose the "Flat View" in this forum, that is also what would happen.

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answered 24 May, 09:18

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

edited 14 Jun, 08:37

My guess is that I will see this message for every item in the forum: You are not entitled for SAP Note/KBA ... The target audience for the SAP Note/KBA you were trying to reach does not fit to your profile.

I'm administrator of our SAP ASA OEM product and stil have this message.

So that means all forum-stuff will be killed by SAP?

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answered 27 May, 07:17

ArcoW's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

FWIW, I do not get such warnings within the SAP Community and the "SQL Anywhere" tag - i.e. I can easily display questions and answers without having to login with my SAP Universal ID, so I assume that contents is freely accessable - in contrast to SAP Notes and KBA:

(However, I get annoying warnings telling "You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in. " when I simply click on a "Show Replies" button when not logged in - although there are not replies to show... That's apparently one of the bugs in the "big" SAP Community software we are expected to be "looking forward to" :/ )

(27 May, 07:46) Volker Barth

The problem is that we do not have an installation registrered in the SAP administration. I should ask my account executive for that, but once that was ASA themselves, so should be SAP now.

I got some information of where to ask for this all, wish me luck diving into the communications with SAP!

(27 May, 08:06) ArcoW
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question asked: 24 May, 06:52

question was seen: 682 times

last updated: 17 Jun, 12:13