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DB server suddenly crashed just leaving a popup

Application popup: dbsupport.exe - Application Error : The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application.

Nothing else I can find in event viewer that will give me a hint. Are there any logs that SA maintains somewhere that might clue me in?


Directory of C:\Program Files\SQL Anywhere 17

12/22/2023  02:25    <DIR>          .
12/22/2023  02:25    <DIR>          ..
10/10/2018  13:41    <DIR>          Assembly
12/22/2023  02:25    <DIR>          Bin32
12/22/2023  02:25    <DIR>          Bin64
11/26/2023  03:22    <DIR>          Charsets
12/22/2023  02:25    <DIR>          Deployment
10/10/2018  13:41    <DIR>          Documentation
12/22/2023  02:25               945 installed.ini
12/22/2023  02:25    <DIR>          Java
04/01/2016  17:37            11,115 license.txt
11/26/2023  03:22    <DIR>          Node
10/12/2017  14:18             4,050 readme_de.txt
12/01/2017  11:58           272,708 readme_EBF.html
11/24/2017  15:11             3,223 readme_en.txt
10/12/2017  14:18             4,199 readme_fr.txt
10/12/2017  14:18             3,809 readme_ja.txt
10/12/2017  14:18             2,944 readme_zh.txt
11/24/2017  17:05                16 SAP_SQL_Anywhere_version.txt
12/22/2023  02:25    <DIR>          Scripts
11/26/2023  03:22    <DIR>          SDK
12/22/2023  02:25    <DIR>          SNMP
11/24/2017  17:00        34,287,616 sqlacockpit.template
10/10/2018  13:41    <DIR>          Support
12/22/2023  02:25    <DIR>          ThirdPartyLegal
11/26/2023  03:22    <DIR>          UltraLite
11/26/2023  03:22    <DIR>          VCSAgent
          10 File(s)     34,590,625 bytes
          17 Dir(s)  349,016,440,832 bytes free

asked 10 May, 09:16

gchq's gravatar image

accept rate: 36%

edited 10 May, 09:58

AFAIK, crash logs should be left in the SQLA diagnostic directory, as marked by the SADIAGDIR environment variable or (on Windows) within %PROGRAMDATA%\SQL Anywhere 17\diagnostics.

If a case is not automatically submitted to SAP, you can still do that manually via the dbsupport utility.

(10 May, 09:45) Volker Barth

Hi Volker No directory diagnostics

(10 May, 09:52) gchq

So what does the following reveal (it should list the crash reports that have not been submittet to Tecthnical Support)?

"%SQLANY17%\bin64\dbsupport" -lc

FWIW, in my case, the Technical support site seems currently unavailable, the query for Software updates (option -iu) returns en error:

"%SQLANY17%\bin64\dbsupport" -iu
SQL Anywhere Support Utility Version
Error checking for update:
Error receiving from

Retrying operation in 30 seconds...

It would probably be a good idea to use HTTPS instead of HTTP for such requests in 2024, dear SAP...

(10 May, 10:20) Volker Barth

Not sure how, but how but it created two directories and removed the others (back to normal now) but there was a dump file - however it's corrupted and won't open.

(10 May, 10:50) gchq

This system is now back online. If you have a crash dump that is important, you may want to consider opening a support incident. I recognize that in this case the dump is likely corrupt for for future instances.

(10 May, 11:50) Chris Keating
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question asked: 10 May, 09:16

question was seen: 1,362 times

last updated: 10 May, 11:50