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I have a bunch of users that are either:

  • not having their last login time logged in the sys.sysuser table OR
  • having their last login time being intermittently logged with no discernable pattern.

Obviously, this can't be the intended behavior and would be a large security hole. Is there a flag or property that needs to be set to enable this correctly?

This is in Sybase SQL Anywhere 17 EBF 3339.

asked 07 Mar '18, 09:47

Dan79's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 08 Mar '18, 03:46

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

Can I confirm the platform and build number (I cannot seem to find a 3309 release).

(07 Mar '18, 10:28) Chris Keating
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Mistyped the EBF. Updated it. Just as an aside, I waited until the checkpoint went off, so it's not that.

(07 Mar '18, 11:32) Dan79

In further discussions with the other developers, we came to the realization that the users were not actually logging into the db. We had a secondary table which was supposed to be duplicating that data, so it appeared as though the users were logging in, but in actuality were not.

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answered 07 Mar '18, 12:45

Dan79's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

converted 08 Mar '18, 01:54

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth


(07 Mar '18, 14:49) Breck Carter

Obviously, you have identified a large security hole and are about to enable the intended behavior yourself, so I turned your posting into an answer...:) - Glad you have found the issue.

(08 Mar '18, 01:55) Volker Barth
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question asked: 07 Mar '18, 09:47

question was seen: 4,304 times

last updated: 08 Mar '18, 03:46