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Is it possible to somehow emulate the self_recursion option in the Watcom-SQL dialect for a trigger?
I would like to completely eliminate the possibility of recursively calling a trigger ("Triggers firing themselves").

asked 05 Apr, 06:46

Ilia63's gravatar image

accept rate: 44%


Well, the obious easy answer is to prevent recursive trigger calls by adding conditions that prevent further calls. ;)

If that option does not impact Watcom-SQL triggers, you might use the stack trace functions/procedures to rollback the trigger once a particular stack level has been reached. (I do not know how that does impact performance...)

(05 Apr, 07:03) Volker Barth

As a protective measure, SQLE_NESTING_TOO_DEEP is reported for unbounded recursive triggers (or procedures). This can be seen with a table with a DEFAULT TIMESTAMP column and an UPDATE trigger. Note: This impacts Windows after SP1 when microsecond TIMESTAMP support was added.

(05 Apr, 09:31) Chris Keating
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question asked: 05 Apr, 06:46

question was seen: 313 times

last updated: 05 Apr, 09:31