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I just change my mac for a macbook pro m3 pro, I transfered the installation of SQLAnywhere 17 from my old mac to my new.

I have no problem running SQLAnywhere, but SQL Central don't want to run I have the following message :

libjsyblib1700_r.dylib can't be found

It gives the path where libjsyblib1700_r.dylib should be, and of course it is rigth there.

Is there some compatibility issue between SQL Central and the ARM Mx chips ?

Thanks in advance.

asked 28 Feb, 11:27

Ben8sens's gravatar image

accept rate: 44%

edited 28 Feb, 11:28


I would not except that the chip would affect the locating of libraries. Are you running SC from the APP package or from the command line? If in the APP package, can you drill into the file and confirm that the dynamic library path is correct.

(04 Mar, 21:09) Chris Keating

I manage to running SQL Central on my M3.

I first install the java jre for ARM.

I tried to install the java jre for x86_64 and SQL Central is back to life.

Thanks Chris for your answer that lead me to re-install the jre.

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answered 06 Mar, 11:08

Ben8sens's gravatar image

accept rate: 44%

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question asked: 28 Feb, 11:27

question was seen: 398 times

last updated: 06 Mar, 11:08