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The readme states: "As a result, a client and a server running as different users on the same machine will no longer be able to communicate via the shmem port."

So for all who are not aware, it can be a breaking change and the error occuring is slightly misleading just "database server not found".

asked 11 Jul '23, 08:01

Martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

FWIW, the topic also applies to client and server running as the same user on the same machine, but with different "elevations", to cite the docs:

Similarly, a client and server running at different elevations (eg, one is running elevated "as Administrator" or as a Windows service and the other is a non-elevated desktop app) on the same machine, even as the same user, will no longer be able to communicate via the shmem port.

In my understanding, when client and server run with the same user and the same elevation on the same machine (say, when an application uses an auto-started personal engine as normal application), shmem does still work with but in a more secure fashion.

(19 Jul '23, 11:31) Volker Barth

If you have cases where you find this to be a breaking change, I would like to hear them. In most cases, we silently switch to TCP/IP. There are a few cases, likely fringe cases, where we know some minor configuration changes will be required. Assuming client & server are running as different users, then the following cases are known to require configuration changes:

  1. The server explicitly starts only shmem via "-x shmem" or "-x none" on the command line. In this case, the server will not start a tcpip port and fall-back will not be available. Reconfigure the server by either removing the "-x" parameter or explicitly adding the tcpip port along with the desired tcpip configuration parameters.
  2. The client specifies commlinks=shmem or commlinks=none: In this case, fall-back will not be available. Reconfigure the connection string to remove the commlinks parameter or change it to specify allow tcpip along with the desired tcpip configuration parameters.
  3. The server uses "-ec TLS..." to require TLS communications and also specifies "-es" to allow non-encrypted shmem communications. Since tcpip will be used as a fall-back in this scenario, the local client will need to connect using TLS via tcpip and will need to provide a valid certificate.
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answered 11 Jul '23, 08:31

John%20Smirnios's gravatar image

John Smirnios
accept rate: 37%

for me it was 2. commlinks=shmem

(11 Jul '23, 08:41) Martin
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question asked: 11 Jul '23, 08:01

question was seen: 492 times

last updated: 19 Jul '23, 11:35