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Hello this is Gulshan Negi I am a software developer. I've recently started learning SQL, and I'm currently reading SQL Cookbook & Head first SQL to learn it. Should I take any SQL courses to learn as well as enhance my skills, Is taking course really worth it? If yes, then which courses should I take? I need some suggestions on this. Thanks

asked 28 Feb '23, 05:06

gulshan212's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Please note, this forum is about the database software product SAP SQL Anywhere. If you have particular questions about SQL queries within SQL Anywhere, you are invited to ask these here.

In contrast, if your question relates to SQL as a general database language and to general SQL courses, as is my understanding of your question, I'd suggest to ask that question in different forums.

(01 Mar '23, 03:06) Volker Barth
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question asked: 28 Feb '23, 05:06

question was seen: 1,270 times

last updated: 01 Apr '23, 07:14