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I am in posession of a .db Sybase file with the following header: Sybase Inc., Copyright (c)2000 Is there a way for me to read the contents of this file/database, having only the file and not the original computer it was on?

For example if I wish to access an MSSQL Database I can just attach it to SQL Server Management Studio and then export through Microsoft ODBC. Can I do something similar with this file? If so, how do I do it?

Thank you very much in advance.

asked 09 Feb '15, 07:56

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If you have no SQL Anywhere software available, you may look for a free Developer Edition (searching on this forum will show you according links). With current versions (12.0.1 or 16.0) you should be able to "convert" that database to a newer file format (that is termed a "rebuild") and then run the converted database with the Developer edition. Nevertheless, you will need user credentials to access the database.

(09 Feb '15, 09:03) Volker Barth
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You can try the software, that was found by Breck ( When I played with this, it was possible to read the DB content without the driver. But, in a free version you are not able to export data :(

(10 Feb '15, 03:18) Vlad
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Thank you. I was able to load the database using SQL Anywhere and the following guide:

The Software Stellar Phoenix Repair for SQL Anywhere is also very useful for looking through the data - and does not require a user name / password, unlike SQL Anywhere.

(10 Feb '15, 07:29) eriden
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question asked: 09 Feb '15, 07:56

question was seen: 4,520 times

last updated: 10 Feb '15, 07:29