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I'm implementing database auditing to file with the commands:

SET OPTION PUBLIC.auditing = 'Off';
SET OPTION PUBLIC.audit_log = 'FILE(filename_prefix=AuditLog;max_size=10485760;num_files=100;compressed=On)';
CALL sa_disable_auditing_type( 'all' );
CALL sa_enable_auditing_type( 'connect' );
CALL sa_enable_auditing_type( 'connectFailed' );
CALL sa_enable_auditing_type( 'DDL' );
CALL sa_enable_auditing_type( 'options' );
CALL sa_enable_auditing_type( 'permissionDenied' );
CALL sa_enable_auditing_type( 'xp_cmdshell' );

No audit file is created after I issue

SET OPTION PUBLIC.auditing = 'On';

Without the compressed=On it works as desired. I've tried all variations I can think of compression=True, etc

Thanks for the help

asked 15 Nov '21, 15:23

J%20Diaz's gravatar image

J Diaz
accept rate: 10%

edited 16 Nov '21, 03:05

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

With this statement, I am getting an error -1684 Trace target option 'compressed' conflicts with option 'flush_on_write'. If you add flush_on_write=Off, does the auditing start working?

As an aside, you are also disabling 'all' logging.

permanent link

answered 15 Nov '21, 16:00

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

converted 16 Nov '21, 03:06

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

That did the trick thanks very much

(15 Nov '21, 16:44) J Diaz

regarding the disabling of all logging I set this before I set specific logging with sa_enable_auditing_type('xxx') so I am sure of which types are enabled.

(15 Nov '21, 16:47) J Diaz
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question asked: 15 Nov '21, 15:23

question was seen: 888 times

last updated: 16 Nov '21, 03:05