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I would be grateful for some pointers.

I am trying to use the Web Service feature of SQL Anywhere to POST to a URL. The payload is a XML data set and when the XML data set is small it works well. However, when the data set is of any size (and it does not seem to be quantifiable) the connection times out (I believe).

The host of the receiving URL is not particularly helpful and they tell me that either the XML I am sending arrives incomplete or the POST is timing out before they have finished processing the payload.

I have tried the POST to and it all appears instantly!

I apologies for this 'woolly' description of my problem, but I don't really know what it is!

I guess my question is, is there a time-out I can change which would allow more time for this process to complete (whatever it is) before SQL Anywhere tires of waiting?

asked 31 Jul '20, 05:40

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See the remote_idle_timeout option to influence the timing out for web client functions and procedures. Note, the default is 15 seconds, so there may be different issues here. You might use web client debugging to check the real web requests and responses...

(31 Jul '20, 06:54) Volker Barth
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Here's a WAG: Try increasing http maxsize, or using maxsize=0, as in dbsrv16 -xs http( ... maxsize=0; ... )

(31 Jul '20, 08:45) Breck Carter
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So you think this is related to using SQL Anywhere as a web server, not as a web client? I just assumed the opposite... I

(31 Jul '20, 09:59) Volker Barth

When it comes to debugging web clients, whatever I try turns out to be the opposite of correct... then I try the opposite, and I'm still wrong :)

(31 Jul '20, 10:38) Breck Carter
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question asked: 31 Jul '20, 05:40

question was seen: 967 times

last updated: 31 Jul '20, 10:39