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Hello, I am testing SQL Anywhere and web client procedure. When the length of the parameters exceeds 8191 bytes the following error appears "SQLSTATE=WW052 Error Message : HTTP request failed. Status code '403 Forbidden'" SQL Anywhere 9 version works with parameters length over 1MB. Using HEADER clause to set the Content-Length I can reduse below 8192 bytes but not above. Perhaps this limitation is set in the database and I wonder whether it can be increased.

create or replace procedure "DBA"."test_post"(in "filename" char(256),in "filedata" long varchar) url 'HTTP://' type 'HTTP:POST';

test.php <? $filename = $_POST['filename']; echo "FileName : $filename"; ?>

asked 26 Oct '14, 15:48

Veselin%20Ivanov's gravatar image

Veselin Ivanov
accept rate: 0%

There is no limitation on the length of a parameter... What is your web service definition?

(26 Oct '14, 16:26) Mark Culp

Veselin, did the answer below help you?

(31 Oct '14, 11:59) Vlad

Try the MaxRequestSize protocol parameter: -xs HTTP(port=<port#>;MaxRequestSize=<size>

permanent link

answered 27 Oct '14, 08:10

PaulTonizzo%20%20SA%20tools's gravatar image

PaulTonizzo ...
accept rate: 31%

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question asked: 26 Oct '14, 15:48

question was seen: 2,634 times

last updated: 31 Oct '14, 15:23