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Hi All,

Need Help.! I'm using ASE isql Application version:trunk.205 built on 2009-11-09 for Sybase 11 and Sybase 15.0. Application was working for quit few years but suddenly something happend and I'm not getting Query results in output screen, insted of that I'm getting resultset_001 in output screen with no of row counts and comment-done.

Dont know what happend or what the issue.

Any help appreciated.

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 29 Jul '20, 15:33

Jagdishwar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This is a forum for the product called "SQL Anywhere", not the product called "Adaptive Server Enterprise".

(29 Jul '20, 16:10) Breck Carter
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question asked: 29 Jul '20, 15:33

question was seen: 687 times

last updated: 29 Jul '20, 16:10