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I have downloaded the following dmg file: "sqla16developer.dmg".

I opened the setup executable and throughout the process chose the following options :

" 1. Create a new installation"


"[ X ] 1. Databases (4 of 4 selected)"
"[ X ] 1. SQL Anywhere (64-bit) (2 of 2 selected)"

And then I get to the following screen:

Please select the options you want to install:

[ X ] 1. SQL Anywhere Client (64-bit)
[ X ] 2. SQL Anywhere Server (64-bit)

      A. Select all options.
      D. Select default options.
      N. Select no options.

      H. Help.
      P. Previous menu.
      Q. Exit Setup.

Press item number to toggle its selection.

This is where my problem lies. I type 1 and hit enter, and I get the same screen. I can't continue forward with the installation. I have macOS Catalina installed. thanks for the help.

asked 16 Nov '19, 03:29

pierrekhoury's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You need to return to the initial menu once you have selected your options to initiate the install.

(17 Nov '19, 18:31) Chris Keating
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question asked: 16 Nov '19, 03:29

question was seen: 985 times

last updated: 17 Nov '19, 18:31