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Would you like to know how this command in Sybase9 ASA9 is?

create table fictionsales (store_id int not null, order_num int not null, date datetime not null) partition by range (date) (q1 values <= (“3/31/2004”) on seg1, q2 values <= (“6/30/2004”) on seg2, q3 values <= (“9/30/2004”) on seg3, q4 values <= (“12/31/2004”) on seg4);

Thank you

asked 07 Mar '19, 07:54

Luiz%20Miguel's gravatar image

Luiz Miguel
accept rate: 0%

SQL Anywhere/ASA does not support table partitioning.

For very high loads, you might use the High availability and read-only scale-out features which are available for newer versions, but not for the very old version 9.

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answered 07 Mar '19, 08:07

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 07 Mar '19, 08:12

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question asked: 07 Mar '19, 07:54

question was seen: 1,095 times

last updated: 07 Mar '19, 08:12