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Look like I have wrong version on sever (Trial version)

Could not connect to the database.

Unable to start specified database: Server must be upgraded to start database I:\vision.db [SAP][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Unable to start specified database: Server must be upgraded to start database I:\vision.db SQLCODE=-934 SQLSTATE=08001

Connection parameters: User=dba Password=*** DBF=I:\vision.db LINKS=ShMem

I'm not able to fetch new updates due to need of username and pwd.

asked 18 Jan '19, 12:01

Rune1234's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This message means that the database was created or upgraded by a newer version of the software than what you are running. You need a newer version of SQLAnywhere to use the file.

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answered 18 Jan '19, 13:24

John%20Smirnios's gravatar image

John Smirnios
accept rate: 37%

Both is version 17. Could it be that I'm running trial version?

(06 Feb '19, 05:20) Rune1234
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But what does "select @@version" reveal on both systems (meaning the one you are using and the one the database has been used on so far)?

(06 Feb '19, 05:33) Volker Barth

But what minor version was the database created with? If you created the database with 17.0.9, you will not be able to start it with 17.0.8 or earlier. 17.0.9 is the latest so you should be able to use that version to start the database.

(06 Feb '19, 06:36) John Smirnios

@John: To clarify: Is the check based on major and minor version or or build number - i.e. would a database created with run on any 17.0.9 software version like

(06 Feb '19, 06:45) Volker Barth
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question asked: 18 Jan '19, 12:01

question was seen: 2,445 times

last updated: 06 Feb '19, 06:45