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I try using Full Konvert to convert my sybase sql anywhere dbfile to mssql.

On SQL Anywhere 17 i can connect directly to my dbfile. SQL Anywhere starts a server with the database in it.

In Full Konvert, for the Sybase SQL Anywhere (ASA) connection it needs the host and the servername.

How do i get the host and the servername now?

asked 07 Feb '18, 08:03

hopelpopel's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Feb '18, 08:06

You may want to start the database manually. In reviewing the tools "how to" documentation, I think it expects that the database will be running TCPIP (by default if you autostart SQL Anywhere it will be using the personal server which does not use tcpip by default).

To start the server manually against a database named Database.db on the same machine hosting Full Konvert,

dbeng17 -x tcpip -n ServerName Database.db -n DatabaseName

Host:           localhost
Server Name:    ServerName
Database Name:  DatabaseName

If you need or want to run Full Konvert on a different machine, use dbsrv17 instead of dbeng17 and set the host appropriately.

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answered 07 Feb '18, 08:29

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 07 Feb '18, 08:03

question was seen: 2,375 times

last updated: 07 Feb '18, 08:29