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Hi fellows,
I have a wamp webserver (php 5.2), it connects very fine on another server running SQLAnywhere 16, I can make queries perfectly. the connection string is
$con = sasql_connect("UID=USER;PWD=PASS;HOST=SERVER07;SERVER=srvcontabil");
From time to time, I need to do some maintenance on this DB, and no connections are permitted at this time, but, when I start the process the server shows the webserver user connected.
I tried disconnect it using "sasql_disconnect($con)" or "sasql_close($con)", right after query/fetch, but it still connected.
To solve I need to shutdown the webserver, but this approach causes a lot of issues because I have several other services on this webserver.
Any ideas ??

asked 19 Jan '18, 09:09

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edited 19 Jan '18, 09:15

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question asked: 19 Jan '18, 09:09

question was seen: 1,237 times

last updated: 19 Jan '18, 09:15