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I am trying to launch a dbbackup (on an AWS host) but the command keeps failing. I have a High Availability system running and have the database I want to backup running with a particular server as the Primary. Here are the details:

  • I am trying to implement the instructions @ the dbbackup page on DCX.

  • This is an AWS Ubuntu 16.0.4 Host and I am connected through SSH.

  • I am launching the HA server that serves as the Primary server for the database with: dbsrv17 -n {dbservername} -x "tcpip(PORT={primaryserverport};DOBROAD=no)" -su {utilitydbpassword} -xf {pathtostatefile} -o {pathtoconsolelog} -os 256k -oe {pathtoerrorlog} {pathtodatabase}{databasename} -xp on

  • Here are the various attempts to run dbbackup. Note that what changes in each attempt is either HOST or DBN: 1) These attempts all result in: Database server not found:

    AWS Private IP w/Raw DB name:

    dbbackup -c "Host={awshostprivateip};DBN={rawdbname};UID={userid};PWD={password}" {pathtobackuplocation}

    AWS Private IP w/HA Virtual DB name:

    dbbackup -c "Host={awshostprivateip};DBN={virtualserverdbname};UID={userid};PWD={password}" {pathtobackuplocation}

    AWS Public IP w/Raw DB name:

    dbbackup -c "Host={awshostpublicip};DBN={rawdbname};UID={userid};PWD={password}" {pathtobackuplocation}

    AWS Public IP w/HA Virtual DB name:

    dbbackup -c "Host={awshostpublicip};DBN={virtualserverdbname};UID={userid};PWD={password}" {pathtobackuplocation}

2) These attempts all result in: Connection error: No IP address found for {dbservername}:

{dbservername} w/raw DB name:

dbbackup -c "Host={dbservername};DBN={rawdbname};UID={userid};PWD={password}" {pathtobackuplocation}

{dbservername} w/HA Virtual DB name:

dbbackup -c "Host={dbservername};DBN={virtualserverdbname};UID={userid};PWD={password}" {pathtobackuplocation}

I suspect the fundamental question is: "What is the 'HOST' in an HA system"?

Thank you.

asked 03 Jul '17, 14:38

AlK's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

edited 04 Jul '17, 08:28

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow

FWIW, you can also do backups via the BACKUP DATABASE statement, when connected to the primary server (I'm quite sure you know how to connect via DBISQL to that one:)), or via a database event running on the primary. Just saying.

(03 Jul '17, 16:57) Volker Barth

Hi Volker,

Thanks, I'll give that format a try but do you have any idea what "HOST" value I should use here?

(03 Jul '17, 18:10) AlK
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DBBACKUP is just another client application, so the required connection string is the same as for your normal application, cf. Connecting to a database in a mirroring system.

So you will need to list both IP addresses/ports for the HOST connection parameter and have to provide the alternate server name (and possibly add NodeType=PRIMARY). In my understanding, you should backup the database on the primary server, no matter whether this is running on the first or second partner (unless you want to do the backup only when the database is running on one of that partners...).

(04 Jul '17, 04:08) Volker Barth
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question asked: 03 Jul '17, 14:38

question was seen: 1,655 times

last updated: 04 Jul '17, 08:28