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I have connected sa_sql(sql anywhere) database with one of the application. I am facing one issue while inserting data into a table. Everything working fine but sometime am getting "Authentication violation" error. This issue will be gone after couple of minutes.

This is happening in every insertion. Any help on this issue?

asked 17 Apr '17, 08:02

najmu's gravatar image

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Normally this indicates you need to contact the vendor/author of your application. An "Authentication violation" error indicates you are working with the OEM edition of the SQL Anywhere software and your connections are not authenticating correctly. The authentication mechanism is not an intermittent feature so something in the usage must be violating the requirements of how you must use the software.

(17 Apr '17, 09:50) Nick Elson S...

This issue will be gone after couple of minutes.

Does the application use several connections? AFAIK unauthenticated connections have a "grace period" of 30 seconds before the restrictions will take place, so your initial DML statements may work and further DML will fail... - If new connections are established, they will have another "grace period" but again, further attempts should be doomed to fail.

(18 Apr '17, 02:44) Volker Barth
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question asked: 17 Apr '17, 08:02

question was seen: 6,417 times

last updated: 18 Apr '17, 02:46