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Hi all,

is there an option to display the downloaded amount of data by dbmlsync in megabytes or even kilobytes? By default it is shown in bytes and it turns into a negativ number if it gets greater then 2^31 (2147483648). This is really quite absurd.



asked 12 Apr '17, 07:32

Axel%20Siepmann's gravatar image

Axel Siepmann
accept rate: 7%

Can you describe where you are seeing the amount of data downloaded by dbmlsync? There are a number of places where this data is captured (in dbmlsync, mobilink and profiler), so knowing where you are seeing the value would be helpful.

(12 Apr '17, 10:27) Reg Domaratzki

alt text

(12 Apr '17, 10:33) Axel Siepmann

Can you see my screenshot, Reg?

(13 Apr '17, 02:40) Axel Siepmann

There's no way to change the way that value is shown in the dbmlsync GUI. The message only displays in the GUI and never shows up in a log file, so the incorrect data type (32-bit integer instead of unsigned 64-bit integer) in the message was missed by our testing.

I've submitted a fix and the next v16.0.0 EBF whose build number is greater than or equal to 2449 should have the correct message.

The problem does not exist in version 17.


permanent link

answered 13 Apr '17, 11:45

Reg%20Domaratzki's gravatar image

Reg Domaratzki
accept rate: 36%

Thanks a lot!

But still an option to switch to kilobyte or megabyte instead of bytes would be great!

Best regards,


(13 Apr '17, 12:09) Axel Siepmann
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question asked: 12 Apr '17, 07:32

question was seen: 1,717 times

last updated: 13 Apr '17, 12:09