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Dear forum members,

I wonder if anyone of you has experienced something similar or can help.
On a customer's server (Win 2012 64bit), I've created an ODBC Data Source using the iAnywhere Oracle ODBC driver (v.16) on top of an "Oracle instant client". "Test Connection" inside the 64bit ODBC Administrator worked, but every attempt to use the data source from an Interactive SQL session or for a remote server inside SQL Anywhere 16 failed with invalid user credentials. I tried to enable ODBC tracing but couldn't find any output.

TIA & Best regards
Volker Stoeffler

asked 19 Dec '16, 12:54

Volker%20DB-TecKy's gravatar image

Volker DB-TecKy
accept rate: 25%


I am not sure, but could it happen that the driver is 32-bit? Or a wrong driver is registered in regsvr32?

(20 Dec '16, 08:20) Vlad
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Hi Vlad, thank you for your comment. I'm very sure it's 64bit since we've copied the whole instant client directory from a machine where it worked together with a v.12 64bit iAnywhere ODBC driver.
Thanks & regards

(20 Dec '16, 08:43) Volker DB-TecKy

I'm sure it's not related to a system vs. user DSN issue, right?

(20 Dec '16, 08:51) Volker Barth

It's resolved.
On other nodes, we had used Instant Client 11.2, but for Win2012 this seems to have caused problems. After removing 11.2 and setting up 12.1, it works.
Sorry 4 the mess.

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answered 20 Dec '16, 09:55

Volker%20DB-TecKy's gravatar image

Volker DB-TecKy
accept rate: 25%

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question asked: 19 Dec '16, 12:54

question was seen: 5,442 times

last updated: 20 Dec '16, 09:55