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Dear Sir,

I have more than 10 databases running under anywhere 12 on windows server 2012, is there any way to connect to any database as client from a pc on the domain without specify port number.


asked 18 Nov '16, 08:56

thaerlb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

To connect to a specific database running on your server use the DatabaseName (DBN) connection parameter. Example: To connect to database "MyDatabaseFoo" running on server "myServer" you would use:

-c "ServerName=myServer;DatabaseName=MyDatabaseFoo"

Refer to the documentation for more information. HTH

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answered 18 Nov '16, 09:00

Mark%20Culp's gravatar image

Mark Culp
accept rate: 41%

thank you,but where i put : -c "ServerName=myServer;DatabaseName=MyDatabaseFoo" ??

(18 Nov '16, 09:05) thaerlb
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That is a connection string parameter for various utility programs like dbisql, as in

  -c "ServerName=myServer;DatabaseName=MyDatabaseFoo"

For client applications, put the string wherever the interface requires it; e.g., for PowerBuilder:

= "ConnectString='ServerName=myServer;DatabaseName=MyDatabaseFoo;" &
(18 Nov '16, 09:59) Breck Carter

Since this is a client application, you will want the quoted values "ServerName=myServer;DatabaseName=MyDatabaseFoo" in your connection string or map them to the ODBC DSN properties. If using jConnect, please refer to

(18 Nov '16, 10:02) Chris Keating

If you have more than one service you can skip the port, and with more than 2 services you have to do port assignment to optimize the response times of the databases, the way to designate the ports is in the tcpip connection inside the service.

-x tcpip(serverport = 2638)

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answered 24 Nov '16, 12:01

isvahe1's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Sorry i didn't understand.

(25 Nov '16, 02:08) thaerlb
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Me, too...

If all your databases run on the same database engine, they will use the same port. It would be different if some of the databases run on another database engine on the same machine - then you would have to use a different port for the second database engine...

That being said, IMHO I don't feel isvahe1's answer will help you further.

(25 Nov '16, 03:38) Volker Barth

I work when I have more than one database and more than 1gb in size, so each service has its own resources and not shared and before windows has a direct address by the designated port.

(25 Nov '16, 11:16) isvahe1
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question asked: 18 Nov '16, 08:56

question was seen: 1,859 times

last updated: 25 Nov '16, 11:20