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I have looked in te SAP store to find out what I need if I want a SA17 Edge edition that supports 8 cores and unlimited users. All I see is a 1 core version or a named users version with 8(?) cores.

Anybody any experience with that kind of licensing?

TIA Hans

asked 11 Nov '16, 02:29

HansTSD's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

IMHO you'll need 8 core licenses to get what you want. With SA17, SAP moved from processor licences (per chip, any number of cores) to core licenses (virtualisation might have played a role there). [At least that's what I remember].
While a core licences costs less than a CPU license previously, having to by 8 of them might put some strain on your budget. Depending on the estimated number of users you might want to calculate an alternative solution base on per seat licensing.

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answered 11 Nov '16, 04:08

Reimer%20Pods's gravatar image

Reimer Pods
accept rate: 11%

In the SAP store I have these options: SAP SQL Anywhere, Edge Edition, workgroup version (core) a 675,- SAP SQL Anywhere, Edge Edition, workgroup version (5 named users) a 640,- SAP SQL Anywhere, Database and Sync Client a 130,-

We do have serveral customers, some with a few users, other with a large userbase.

Let say I have 6 users then I have to buy a named edtion (5 users), plus 1 Database and Sync license? (640,- + 130,- = 770,-)

And when I have 500 users then have to buy 8 core licenses (8*675,- = 5.400,-)

And when is a OEM edition the right choice? How many users and what are the costs for a OEM. 10.000,- 50.000,- 100.000,- ...?

(11 Nov '16, 04:30) HansTSD
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I'd recommend to ask your sales representative for that, particular when regarding an OEM edition.

Aside: Just in case the machine has 8 cores but you do not need all of them for SQL Anywhere: You can choose whether the database engine should run on all cores or just a subset of that machine/VM, so you do not necessarily need a 8 core edition to run SQL Anywhere on a machine/VM with 8 cores.

(11 Nov '16, 04:39) Volker Barth

In the store it was not clear how you have to buy a 8 cores version. But it is clear now, you have to buy that many core licenses that you want with a maximum of 8 cores. Right?

(11 Nov '16, 06:11) HansTSD
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question asked: 11 Nov '16, 02:29

question was seen: 3,516 times

last updated: 11 Nov '16, 06:11