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I am working on converting an existing Windows Mobile system to Android and have been reading about UltraliteJ. The current system uses Ultralite for Windows Mobile. Some documentation states an UtraliteJ database can only be created using the java api and some documents state that it can be accessed/created using Sybase Central.

Which is correct?

Thanks, Paula

asked 12 Jan '16, 13:50

Paula's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can create an UltraLite database using Sybase Central. Android UltraLiteJ uses the native UltraLite runtime under the covers.

Please submit a DCX comment on the documentation page which told you that UltraLiteJ databases could only be created using the java API.

Sorry for the mix up.

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answered 12 Jan '16, 13:57

PhilippeBertrand%20_SAP_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 13 Jan '16, 15:02

Tim%20McClements's gravatar image

Tim McClements

Thanks for the quick response! Turns out I was originally looking at version 12 docs:

I guess that changed in 16, then?

(12 Jan '16, 14:15) Paula
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Latest docs of all supported versions can be found at

In earlier versions, UltraLiteJ was primarily a pure Java API for BlackBerry. Android was added but under the covers it used the native UltraLite libraries so it used a different database format than BlackBerry devices.

As of version 17, BlackBerry devices are no longer supported.

(12 Jan '16, 14:21) PhilippeBert...

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(12 Jan '16, 14:22) PhilippeBert...
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question asked: 12 Jan '16, 13:50

question was seen: 1,911 times

last updated: 13 Jan '16, 15:02