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I'm working with a software that builds database on SA V5 (sybase) It's quite active (new entry every minute), and therefore I cannot "unload" the database each time (using newer SA).

Is there a repo where I can find old versions, which will be able to read my database? Thanks a lot for your help, Best,

asked 29 Nov '15, 12:52

jean01's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Nov '15, 12:54

It would probably be best to contact the vendor/author of your application for advice. None of the versions mentioned are available today, and any verson you could purchase would require the database to be upgraded in a way that would make it incompatable with the software you are currently using.

If your V5 came as a licensed network server you could use that and the client software (you already have) to connect live to the production system. Look for a dbsrv50.exe in the SQL Anywhere directories and check to see if it supports anything more than 1 user license. There is no guarantee you have that, as you could have purchased a 'stand alone'-/'personal server'-only license originally or were shipped either that or the more limited Runtime engine.

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answered 30 Nov '15, 08:41

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Nick Elson S...
accept rate: 32%

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question asked: 29 Nov '15, 12:52

question was seen: 1,674 times

last updated: 30 Nov '15, 08:41