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asked 01 Sep '15, 18:01

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Breck Carter
accept rate: 20%

And the inevitable message when trying to read the EBF info:)

alt text

(02 Sep '15, 00:53) Volker Barth

BTW: What is that "Windows Server on IA32 32bit" platform - does it simply mean "Win32" (though recent Windows Server versions are 64-bit only)?

alt text

(02 Sep '15, 01:02) Volker Barth

Volker, can you try again as I was able to get the readme info. I clicked on the Info link (under Info File heading). Then I clicked on SAP SQL ANYWHERE 17.0, note 2209167, then scrolled to the bottom and clicked on the link that says: EBF25157_NT_X64_README.htm.

(02 Sep '15, 10:37) Mike Paola
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Hm, I'm using a German UI so names are different but I guess I'm following just the same steps. However, there is no link text available (or I can't notice that), and when I follow the link (yellow), the above message does still appear...

alt text

(02 Sep '15, 10:46) Volker Barth

This is very odd - you should get a screen that pops up and then when you scroll down, you can click on the readme file. Let me look into this a bit more - I wonder if there are external access issues. For those reading this thread, has anyone else been able to view the readme ok?

(02 Sep '15, 15:38) Mike Paola

Ok Volker - thanks for bringing this to our attention. Upon further digging, it looks like something went wrong with this file during the release management process so we've asked the team to fix it immediately. In the meantime, you should be able to view the readme from the SQL Anywhere "Check for Updates". Sorry for the inconvenience - hopefully we can get this resolved ASAP!

(02 Sep '15, 16:17) Mike Paola

Volker - please try again. I've been notified the issue has been fixed!

(02 Sep '15, 16:29) Mike Paola

@Mike: Yes, it's working now - thanks for the efforts.

(FWIW, I had downloaded and installed the whole setup just after Breck made the note, so I had already read the readme yesterday...)

(03 Sep '15, 03:31) Volker Barth

FWIW: That's "SP0" - so SP numbers are 0-based:) ?

(03 Sep '15, 05:26) Volker Barth

We didn't increment the SP# because it's a PL (PL=patch level). SP1 would be the release that includes some new features in addition to a rollup of bug fixes that have happened in the PLs.

(03 Sep '15, 10:20) Mike Paola
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question asked: 01 Sep '15, 18:01

question was seen: 1,951 times

last updated: 03 Sep '15, 10:20