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According to the documentation for creating a materialized view, the sort_collation setting must be Internal. I have set it to the ID 51 to get the proper sorting for Umlaute. Now I am wondering if there is a way to set this opion to Internal and still have the sort collation behave like if I had set it to 51?

(SQL Anywhere 12, Version

Regards, Robert

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asked 04 Mar '15, 10:10

robert's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Mar '15, 10:10

In my understanding, there's no problem in either setting the sort_collation temporarily to a different setting or to explicitly use SORTKEY(MyColumn, MySortCollation) when you run queries against the mat. view. However, the drawback might be that the mat. view won't be used automatically by the optimizer when you do not refer to it in your queries - that's my understanding of the phrase "for the view to be used by the optimizer" from the v12.0.1 docs which state:

The following database options must have the specified settings when a materialized view is created; otherwise, an error is returned. These database option values are also required for the view to be used by the optimizer:

  • ansinull=On
  • sort_collation=Internal
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answered 04 Mar '15, 11:52

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

I would assume there must be a setting where it is possible to create a mat. view without changing the setting (options) to create the mat. view and then switch back to the sort_collation ID 51 (in my case). But I really don't know.

(04 Mar '15, 12:59) robert
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question asked: 04 Mar '15, 10:10

question was seen: 2,813 times

last updated: 04 Mar '15, 12:59