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I've create and enabled some materialized view with immediate refresh. Materialized view reference a table filled by trigger. When I use my app I receive this error:

Error code -141
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Table not found '_^_^_22072007_^_^_1962_^_^_22072007_^_^_'

Obviously that table description it's not a real table. I use ASA 16.0.0 build 1691

Thanks in advance

asked 09 Jan '14, 06:27

Giorgio%20Papagno's gravatar image

Giorgio Papagno
accept rate: 20%

edited 11 Jan '14, 08:00

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow

Can you post the schema for your tables, the materialized view and the trigger?

(09 Jan '14, 10:22) Jason Hinspe...

Here I attach my schema, I hope it's helpful because it contains several objects. Tables involved are:

dba.riga_documento which triggers t_riga_documento_ai that writes in dba.riga_doc_magazzino.

Materialized view select on dba.riga_doc_magazzino.

A particular it's that the trigger t_riga_documento_ai, in some circumstances, updates another record of dba.riga_documento ( the same starting table ) causing updates on dba.riga_doc_magazzino.

I think this is the case causing the error code

(09 Jan '14, 10:50) Giorgio Papagno
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Hm, I can't find your attachment...

(09 Jan '14, 17:14) Volker Barth

Sorry, I'm trying again but upload doesn't work. After I've selected the file, i wait some second for the upload and then I don't see the file I've previously selected. My reload.sql file is 11 MB and I've splitted in 8 smaller files, but I can't attach the smaller one

permanent link

answered 10 Jan '14, 02:30

Giorgio%20Papagno's gravatar image

Giorgio Papagno
accept rate: 20%

I think you have to have a certain number of "points/credits" to be able to upload an attachment

(10 Jan '14, 03:14) M G
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I think 100 should be enough...

(10 Jan '14, 03:31) Martin

I don't think I would be interested in reading a 11 MB SQL script here - can't you extract some essential parts?

(10 Jan '14, 13:38) Volker Barth

At least 100 points are what the FAQ does tell:)

(11 Jan '14, 06:28) Volker Barth
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question asked: 09 Jan '14, 06:27

question was seen: 2,382 times

last updated: 11 Jan '14, 08:00