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I have an insert inside a try block and when I try to set a NOT NULL Column to NULL I end up in the catch but

SELECT SQLCODE, ERRORMSG() INTO v_sqlcode, v_errormsg

end up with

v_sqlcode= 0 v_errormsg = NULL

Is this a correct behaviour or should it work?

asked 17 Feb '15, 06:58

M%20G's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%

Is the SELECT statement the first statement executed in the error handler?

Try using ERROR_SQLCODE and ERROR_MESSAGE builtin functions - those should report the error information anywhere in the handler, not just in the first statement.

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answered 17 Feb '15, 11:15

Elmi%20Eflov's gravatar image

Elmi Eflov
accept rate: 36%

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question asked: 17 Feb '15, 06:58

question was seen: 2,108 times

last updated: 17 Feb '15, 11:15