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Beginning in June Apple requires that all updates to apps include arm64 architecture builds.

Ultralite 12.0.1 only builds 32bit architectures.
Ultralite 16 builds for 32 and 64bit architectures.

Correct me if i'm wrong. The Ultralite 12 databases cannot be upgraded to Ultralite 16 databases according to documentation. This would mean the only solution (before June) would be to deploy a completely new version of our app using ultralite 16 (new mobilink server as well), rather than just deploying an update to our current app. Then somehow get all of our users to install the new version from their devices and stop using the old version.

This is obviously a lot of work (and money). Is there any way to get or build a version of Ultralite 12.0.1 for arm64?

asked 19 Jan '15, 09:26

Jason%20S's gravatar image

Jason S
accept rate: 0%

We have just released 64-bit support on version 12 - it now supports all current architectures. It should be available in the usual SP updates download place.

Updating to v16 should be possible without deploying a completely separate app with the caveat that pending local changes are synchronized before updating. The steps would be something like:

  • update to v16 MobiLink: the application schema is the same, so existing scripts should work for both versions of the app (MobiLink will synchronize seamlessly with v12 and v16 remotes)
  • release the application update
  • the user must synchronize before updating
  • the app will fail with wrong-file-version when attempting to open the database: when that happens, create and synchronize or else download (using MobiLink file transfer) a new database. If a backup is required, the old database could be uploaded (with MobiLink file transfer).
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answered 19 Jan '15, 10:34

Tim%20McClements's gravatar image

Tim McClements
accept rate: 35%

Thanks, that would be wonderful! What build# of version 12 was 64-bit iOS build included?

(19 Jan '15, 12:13) Jason S

Specifically, 12.0.1 Build 4201 SP 85 is needed for this support. The release notes erroneously excluded information about this new feature but that will be corrected for the next SP.

(19 Jan '15, 12:15) Chris Keating
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Hi there, We use the developer edition in our testing environment. It appears the latest build published for 12.0.1 developer is 4127. When can we expect the published developer build to be brought up to speed? Thanks!

(10 Feb '15, 15:23) Bob M

Bump. Any word on the published developer edition?

(02 Mar '15, 09:23) Bob M

I really need to get a copy of version 12 with the iPhone directory under Ultralite that contains the 64 bit libs. Apparently it's unavailable through SAP at this point... I have my registration key for it - I just need to find a copy. Can anyone hook me up?

(14 Dec '16, 17:41) technomatt

Any chance of a developer edition with this support? We really need it for testing!

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answered 07 Jul '17, 08:44

technomatt's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The SQL Anywhere Deverloper Edition for the Mac OSX will include UltraLite iOS 64 bit libraries.

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answered 07 Jul '17, 10:51

Chris%20Keating's gravatar image

Chris Keating
accept rate: 32%

converted 07 Jul '17, 10:51

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question asked: 19 Jan '15, 09:26

question was seen: 4,048 times

last updated: 07 Jul '17, 10:51