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So we had a user who's database became "Bad" (SQLCODE -1006 (SQLE_FILE_BAD_DB)). It was just one instance and the user had not syncronized the database in quite awhile. Can anyone explain under what circumstances an ultralite database can become "Bad" and common practices to avoid this in the future? Thanks!

asked 22 Mar '13, 15:02

Jason's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This code is raised on startup if UL detects a corrupted database file (the first page in the database is inconsistent or the length of the file is incorrect). It is also raised on subsequent startup if UL is terminated during an uninterruptible operation, such as changing the encryption key.

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answered 22 Mar '13, 16:23

Tim%20McClements's gravatar image

Tim McClements
accept rate: 35%

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question asked: 22 Mar '13, 15:02

question was seen: 2,236 times

last updated: 22 Mar '13, 16:23