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After applying the latest EBF of SA12 ( the database server started to crash when trying to expand procedure list in Sybase Central. After some investigation I've found an old procedure which is causing the crash. The engine also crashes when trying to re-create that procedure. This is a simplified version of more complex code to reproduce the problem:

create or replace procedure "DBA"."sp_test_db_crash"()
  declare local temporary table #tmp1(p varchar(20) not null) not transactional;
  declare local temporary table #tmp2(p varchar(20) not null) not transactional;
  select p
    from #tmp1
    group by p
    having count(1) > (select count(1) from #tmp2 where (#tmp1.p = #tmp2.p,0));

The problem disappears after removing user estimate from HAVING clause.

The bug seems to be quite "fresh" as version does not crash.

Server OS: Windows.

asked 13 Jan '15, 08:46

Arthoor's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 13 Jan '15, 08:48


This problem was introduced at build This has now been fixed in CR #777478, in and higher. I have requested for a Windows x86/x64 12.0.1 SP to be built.

Hello, I can also reproduce this issue on later 12.0.1 builds. I have opened CR #777478 internally to address it.

Thank you for the bug report.

permanent link

answered 14 Jan '15, 17:09

Jeff%20Albion's gravatar image

Jeff Albion
accept rate: 25%

edited 15 Jan '15, 12:35

Thank you. :)

(16 Jan '15, 02:41) Arthoor
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question asked: 13 Jan '15, 08:46

question was seen: 2,308 times

last updated: 16 Jan '15, 02:41