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I am supporting a legacy system running under ASA of which the database file is growing too big and needs shrinking. Because of a PC crash and missing install DVD, I'm looking for a download version of the 8.0.2 version in order to complete the actions with the correct Sybase Central version. I've been looking everywhere, even mailed to several sysbase contact emails but was unsuccesful so far.

Can anyone please help me with this one?


asked 10 Oct '14, 07:41

Petra's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Somebody please, it is getting urgent

(14 Oct '14, 00:46) Petra

You cannot get it anymore, it is too old.

permanent link

answered 14 Oct '14, 04:24

Dmitri's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

That being said (though I don't know whether Tech Support may give you access to obsolete versions - have you tried?):

Just to understand: Is the database running on a still functional system, and you are "only" missing Sybase Central? If so, you might be able to "shrink" the database by rebuilding the database on that system with the help of built-in tools like DBUNLOAD.EXE and/or the REBUILD.BAT from the \win32 folder... - just have a look whether these tools are installed on the system.

Note, you should also be able to handle a v8.0.2 database with v9, if you got that old version, as v9 database engines can run v8 databases.

(14 Oct '14, 04:49) Volker Barth
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question asked: 10 Oct '14, 07:41

question was seen: 6,708 times

last updated: 17 Oct '14, 15:33