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I attempted to load the .NET components using the instructions as found here:

I am using V4 directory Visual Studio version 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel SqlAnywhere version: (I have tried updating to the latest version, but as usual with SAP logins, takes an act of Congress to get where you want to go - and some new location, change the role etc. etc. Some things with SAP never change)

It will say successful in the DOS window, but trying to create a new connection I get a window telling me to look at a non-existent xml file. And then of course 'contact the provider vendor to resolve this problem'. I have seen several people with similar issues, but no particular resolve.

Also running these on Server 2012 R2 - fully updated.

Thank you.

asked 15 Jul '14, 01:25

cpv's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I guess it's still possible to get SQL Anywhere EBFs from the previous Sybase download page here... - FWIW has been the 12.0.1 MR (Maintenance Release), so it is reaaaal old, is the newest EBF for Windows...

Note: There have been several fixes w.r.t. Visual Studio integration between build 3152 and 4127, so I'd certainly recommend to try a current EBF.

(15 Jul '14, 04:00) Volker Barth

What version of the .NET framework is you visual studio project targeting (Project >> 'Application Name' Properties)? If you are targeting version 3.5 or earlier, you may need to register the V2 components by running the SetupVSPackage in "%SQLANY12%\Assembly\V2"

(15 Jul '14, 10:31) Mikel Rychliski

" I get a window telling me to look at a non-existent xml file." Do you have a name for this file?

(15 Jul '14, 15:20) mysorian

Solved by updating to SQL Anywhere 12.0.1 Build 4127

permanent link

answered 15 Jul '14, 14:55

cpv's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

And you got the EBF via the Sybase download page or via the SAP Marketplace?

(15 Jul '14, 17:47) Volker Barth
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question asked: 15 Jul '14, 01:25

question was seen: 2,368 times

last updated: 15 Jul '14, 17:47