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when connect to database, i get the following error on Windows 7 SP1

"The information required to display the databse in sybase central could not be obtained"

i use sybase sqlanywhere v11

what to do ?....

is that plugin problem?

but i use only sybase...

is any troubleshooting ?..


asked 02 Jun '14, 23:11

re3icon's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This error is reported when the database is unable to successfully query the metadata for a database. Can you confirm the version and build of SQL Anywhere being used? Can you start the database from the command line successfully and it is only when connecting that this error is reported? Can you start the engine with -zr all -o DbEngConole.log which will log queries being executed. You may not be able to include this file in an response and if that is the case, you can send them to me at {first}.{last}

(03 Jun '14, 12:37) Chris Keating
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question asked: 02 Jun '14, 23:11

question was seen: 5,083 times

last updated: 03 Jun '14, 12:37