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I have a table
  x-id int not null default autoincrement primary key,
  x-type char(16) not null,
  x-data xml

where "x-type" {'x-type-1', 'x-type_2', ...} defines type of xml data and structure of "x-data" depends on "x_type"- Each "x-type" in <dose_rows> consists of diferent "x-data" structure.

I need a response from SOAP web service for example:
      <dose-time>2014-05-19 14:50:01.243</dose-time>

How can I achieve this custom response via the SOAP web service of SQL Anywhere 12?


asked 19 May '14, 09:57

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question asked: 19 May '14, 09:57

question was seen: 4,754 times

last updated: 19 May '14, 09:57