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i have install SQL Anywhere 10, with 32bit enable into a windows server 2008 64bit. when i try to create a ODBC using c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe to connect, it give me error "Found Server but communication error occured", but i try the same setting using c:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exe, test connection successful.

anyone can help? below is the log file

Tue Mar 11 2014 13:04:14
13:04:14 Attempting to connect using:
13:04:14 Attempting to connect to a running server...
13:04:14 Trying to start SharedMemory link ...

13:04:14     SharedMemory link started successfully

13:04:14 Attempting SharedMemory connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)

13:04:14 Failed to connect over SharedMemory

13:04:14 Trying to start TCPIP link ...

13:04:14 TCP using Winsock version 2.2
13:04:14 My IP address is
13:04:14 My IP address is
13:04:14 My IP address is
13:04:14 My IP address is
13:04:14     TCPIP link started successfully

13:04:14 Attempting TCPIP connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)

13:04:14 Looking for server with name epeweb
13:04:14 Sending broadcast to find server
13:04:14 Using broadcast address of:
13:04:14 Sending broadcast to find server
13:04:14 Using broadcast address of:
13:04:14 Sending broadcast to find server
13:04:14 Using broadcast address of:
13:04:14 Sending broadcast to find server
13:04:14 Using broadcast address of:
13:04:14 Found database server at address
13:04:14 Found database server epeweb on TCPIP link
13:04:14 Connected using client address
13:04:14 Connected to server over TCPIP at address

13:04:14 Writing server address to sasrv.ini cache

13:04:14 Connected to SQL Anywhere Server version
13:04:14 Application information:
13:04:14 IP=;HOST=BI;OS='Windows NT 6.1 Build 7600 ';PID=0x1728;THREAD=0x4b4;EXE=C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe;VERSION=;API=ODBC;TIMEZONEADJUSTMENT=480
13:04:14 Connected to the server, attempting to connect to a running database...
13:06:15 Disconnecting Client - 120 seconds since last contact

13:06:15 Communication function i_cs_HandleSQLPresError code 5
13:06:15 Communication function StrmGetInd code 5
13:06:15 Client disconnected
13:06:15 Database is running, but could not connect to it

asked 11 Mar '14, 01:47

FHTeo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 11 Mar '14, 04:56

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth

Try using dbping.exe to get more debugging information:

You will have to work at getting the options right, and you will have to use -m to force it to use ODBC. Be sure to force dbping to connect to the database, not just the server.

Please post the output from TWO dbping tests: the test that worked using 64-bit ODBC, and the one that failed using 32-bit.

Connecting to the database is one of the MOST troublesome tasks in SQL Anywhere, and the only Microsoft creation that is WORSE than the registry... is ODBC! [end rant]

(12 Mar '14, 08:37) Breck Carter

please see my tried result as below

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10x64>dbping -d -c "UID=EPE;PWD=epe;DBN=EPE WebTest;ENG=EPEWeb;LINKS=TCPIP{};" SQL Anywhere Server Ping Utility Version Connected to SQL Anywhere server "EPEWeb" and database "EPEWebTest" at address Ping database successful.

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10x64>

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10win32>dbping -d -c "UID=EPE;PWD=epe;DBN=E PEWebTest;ENG=EPEWeb;LINKS=TCPIP{};" SQL Anywhere Server Ping Utility Version Ping database failed -- Connection error: Found server but communication error o ccurred.

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10win32>

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10win32>dbping -m -c "DSN=EPETest" -l dbodb c10 SQL Anywhere Server Ping Utility Version Loaded ODBC driver dbodbc10 Ping server failed -- [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Connection error: Found server but communication error occurred.

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10win32>

(12 Mar '14, 21:13) FHTeo
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Is there a difference in the DBN parameter values in your first and second sample ("DBN=EPE WebTest" vs. "DBN=E PEWebTes")?

What are the values of the DSN "EPETest"? (Note, you can still supply the same connection string when using DBPING -m, it's not necessary to use a DSN parameter here.) It's difficult to check for differences in the connection process when the connection string paramters may not be identically...

Could you redo the tests with -m both in 64-bit and 32-bit with the added "LOG=..." connection parameter to show the debug output (as in your original posting)?

(13 Mar '14, 04:30) Volker Barth

Hi Volker Barth,

can you give me the command how to run this using -m? i tried but give me the error as below

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10win32>dbping -m -d -c "UID=EPE;PWD=epe;DBN=EPEWebTest;ENG=EPEWeb;LINKS=TCPIP{};" SQL Anywhere Server Ping Utility Version Loaded ODBC driver ODBC32.DLL Ping database failed -- [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not fo und and no default driver specified.

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10win32>cd ..

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10>cd x64

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10x64>dbping -m -d -c "UID=EPE;PWD=epe;DBN=EPEWebTest;ENG=EPEWeb;LINKS=TCPIP{};" SQL Anywhere Server Ping Utility Version Loaded ODBC driver ODBC32.DLL Ping database failed -- [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10x64>

(13 Mar '14, 20:25) FHTeo
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You need to specify the DSN that you want to test or supply the DRIVER=<driver_name> as part of the connection string. You have indicated previously that the DSN was EPETest so the -c option should look like

-c "DNS=EPETest;UID=EPE;PWD=epe"

assuming that the other parameters (DNC,ENG, etc) are already defined in the DSN.

(13 Mar '14, 20:53) Chris Keating

Hi Chris Keating,

thank you for replied. if that's case i already tried and the result is failed.

C:Program Files (x86)SQL Anywhere 10win32>dbping -m -c "DSN=EPETest" -l dbodbc10 SQL Anywhere Server Ping Utility Version Loaded ODBC driver dbodbc10 Ping server failed -- [Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Connection error: Found server but communication error occurred.

(13 Mar '14, 21:45) FHTeo

Sorry, my fault, I wasn't aware that DBPING -m needs a DSN or a driver name, as Chris has explained.

However, my real question was whether the connestion strings are identical in both 64-bit and 32-bit, as the copied ones have slight differences...

So could you please re-do the tests with the LOG= parameter?

The fact that the 32-bit test with DBPING without -m does also fail would imply that this is no particular ODBC problem, since DBPING (without -m) uses Embedded SQL as client library.

(14 Mar '14, 04:34) Volker Barth

Hi Volker,

please find below 2 different log from syswow64 and system 32

Mon Mar 17 2014 08:28:14 08:28:14 Attempting to connect using: UID=EPE;PWD=**;DBN=EPEWebTest;ENG=EPEWeb;ASTOP=YES;DSN=EPETest;INT=NO;DBG=YES;LOG=c:syswow64.log;DMRF=NO;LINKS='SharedMemory,TCPIP{dobroadcast=no;host=;port=5001;MYIP=;}';COMP=NO 08:28:14 Attempting to connect to a running server... 08:28:14 Trying to start SharedMemory link ...

08:28:14 SharedMemory link started successfully

08:28:14 Attempting SharedMemory connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)

08:28:14 Failed to connect over SharedMemory

08:28:14 Trying to start TCPIP link ...

08:28:14 TCP using Winsock version 2.2 08:28:14 TCPIP link started successfully

08:28:14 Attempting TCPIP connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)

08:28:14 Looking for server with name epeweb 08:28:14 Trying to find server at address 08:28:14 Found server, verifying server name 08:28:14 Found database server at address 08:28:14 Found database server epeweb on TCPIP link 08:28:14 Connected using client address 08:28:14 Connected to server over TCPIP at address

08:28:14 Writing server address to sasrv.ini cache

08:28:14 Connected to SQL Anywhere Server version 08:28:14 Application information: 08:28:14 IP=;HOST=BI;OS='Windows NT 6.1 Build 7600 ';PID=0x1c84;THREAD=0x1e74;EXE=C:WindowsSysWOW64odbcad32.exe;VERSION=;API=ODBC;TIMEZONEADJUSTMENT=480 08:28:14 Connected to the server, attempting to connect to a running database... 08:30:20 Disconnecting Client - 120 seconds since last contact

08:30:20 Communication function i_cs_HandleSQLPresError code 5 08:30:20 Communication function StrmGetInd code 5 08:30:20 Client disconnected 08:30:20 Database is running, but could not connect to it

Mon Mar 17 2014 08:30:49 08:30:49 Attempting to connect using: UID=EPE;PWD=**;DBN=EPEWebTest;ENG=EPEWeb;ASTOP=YES;DSN=EPEABC;INT=NO;DBG=YES;LOG=c:system32.txt;DMRF=NO;LINKS='SharedMemory,TCPIP{}';COMP=NO 08:30:49 Attempting to connect to a running server... 08:30:49 Trying to start SharedMemory link ...

08:30:49 SharedMemory link started successfully

08:30:49 Attempting SharedMemory connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)

08:30:49 Failed to connect over SharedMemory

08:30:49 Removing failed address from sasrv.ini cache

08:30:49 Trying to start TCPIP link ...

08:30:49 TCP using Winsock version 2.2 08:30:49 My IP address is 08:30:49 My IP address is 08:30:49 My IP address is 08:30:49 My IP address is 08:30:49 TCPIP link started successfully

08:30:49 Attempting TCPIP connection (address found in sasrv.ini cache)

08:30:49 Trying to find server at cached address without broadcasting 08:30:49 Found server, verifying server name 08:30:49 Found database server at address 08:30:49 Found database server epeweb on TCPIP link 08:30:49 Connected using client address 08:30:49 Connected to server over TCPIP at address

08:30:49 Connected to SQL Anywhere Server version 08:30:49 Application information: 08:30:49 IP=;HOST=BI;OS='Windows NT 6.1 Build 7600 ';PID=0x15d8;THREAD=0xde8;EXE=C:WindowsSystem32odbcad32.exe;VERSION=;API=ODBC;TIMEZONEADJUSTMENT=480 08:30:49 Connected to the server, attempting to connect to a running database... 08:30:49 [ 7] Connected to database successfully 08:30:49 [ 7] Client disconnected

(16 Mar '14, 20:18) FHTeo

Hi Volker Barth,

any ideas? thanks.

(19 Mar '14, 00:02) FHTeo
showing 5 of 9 show all flat view

The title seems to contradict the tests on a 64-bit system, as the working connection seems to be from the 64-bit ODBC:

  • c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe is the 32-bit ODBC administrator
  • c:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exe is the 64-bit ODBC administrator

(Blame Microsoft for the naming of these folders...)

Therefore I would think that the 32-bit SQL Anywhere setup may be incomplete...

Possibly these other questions may be of help:

permanent link

answered 11 Mar '14, 04:54

Volker%20Barth's gravatar image

Volker Barth
accept rate: 34%

edited 11 Mar '14, 05:02

Hi Volker Bath,

thank you for the reply. i have tried to uninstall and reinstall SQLA many many times with all the different option. i do check on the 32-bit checkbox when i doing installation. but still the same result. maybe you can help me to give me a more detail step for me to troubleshoot? thanks

(11 Mar '14, 21:00) FHTeo
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Well, according to your client log you have been connected to the database server for a while (see 13:04:14 - 13:06:15), so I'm not sure whether this is an setup issue or not. So you are trying to connect locally from the machine the database server is running on (Not sure why shared memory would not work then)?

Note: is quite an old v10 EBF, AFAIK the latest released one is, so you might give that a try...

(12 Mar '14, 05:00) Volker Barth

Good afternoon, tell me please! Where can I download sql anywhere build Thank!

permanent link

answered 15 Feb '21, 08:10

Ant0n39's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You should post a new question rather than adding a comment to an old thread.

(15 Feb '21, 08:49) Chris Keating
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question asked: 11 Mar '14, 01:47

question was seen: 9,505 times

last updated: 15 Feb '21, 08:49