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I've got an app that connects to a db using JDBC. The database has Console Logging redirected to a file using dbsrv12 -o. Every time the jdbc connection runs a query, the results are written to the console log. Is there a way to prevent the jdbc connection from sending the results to the console log?

Examples: I. 01/14 08:36:31. TDS 2530: result row: 'DATA_REMOVED_FOR_FORUM0',... I. 01/14 08:36:31. TDS 2530: result row: 'DATA_REMOVED_FOR_FORUM1',... I. 01/14 08:36:31. TDS 2530: result row: 'DATA_REMOVED_FOR_FORUM2',...

The connection string the app uses is similar to this.


Any help appreciated.

asked 14 Jan '14, 11:52

lstavinoha's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There are two ways you can eliminate the TDS logging.

First, is there a specific reason you are using jConnect for your JDBC application? If you have not considered it yet, you might want to give the SQL Anywhere JDBC Driver a try since it may perform much better for you in a variety of situations and will give you more SQL Anywhere like behaviour. If you switch to the SQL Anywhere JDBC Driver, then you will not receive any TDS logging since the SQL Anywhere JDBC Driver is not TDS based.

Second, the above suggestion to switch drivers is primarily for performance and behaviour purposes and does not actually answer your specific question. If you do in fact want to (or perhaps have to) stick with jConnect, then change your application to execute:


immediately after establishing the connection.

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answered 14 Jan '14, 12:17

Karim%20Khamis's gravatar image

Karim Khamis
accept rate: 40%

edited 14 Jan '14, 12:37

Graeme%20Perrow's gravatar image

Graeme Perrow

Is the server started with -z in the start parameters?

The -z database server option logs TDS messages to the console log.

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answered 14 Jan '14, 12:16

Mikel%20Rychliski's gravatar image

Mikel Rychliski
accept rate: 32%

The -z parameter is why it was showing up in my specific case. I can make the change that Karim suggested to suppress it though. Thanks.

(14 Jan '14, 12:32) lstavinoha
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question asked: 14 Jan '14, 11:52

question was seen: 2,400 times

last updated: 14 Jan '14, 12:37